Thursday, January 5, 2017


1) Boosts brain power
A foreign language is a whole new intricate system of rules, structures and lexis. Learning a new language means your brain has to cope with complexity as it makes sense of and absorbs new patterns. As our brains work out meaning, endeavoring to communicate, we develop key learning skills such as cognitive thinking and problem-solving. Highly developed critical thinking skills are a significant benefit both personally and professionally.
2) Improves memory
Use it or lose it. How many times have you heard that phrase? It is a simple fact – the more the brain is used, the better its functions work. A new language requires not only familiarity with vocabulary and rules, but also being able to recall and apply this knowledge. Learning a language gives your memory a good work out in the brain gym. This means that multilingual people have brains that are more exercised and quick to recall names, directions, facts and figures.
3) Enhances the ability to multi-task
Multi-tasking is very stressful for those who are not used to it or don’t do it well. According to a study from the Pennsylvania State University, people who are multilingual and proficient at slipping from one language system to another are practiced at this very demanding work for the brain. People who have developed the ability to think in different languages and move from one to the other become much better multi-taskers, reducing stress levels.
4) Sharpens the mind
A study from Spain’s University of Pompeu Fabra revealed that multilingual people are better at observing their surroundings. They easily spot anything that is irrelevant or deceptive. They’re also better at spotting misleading information. The study was conducted comparing multilingual and monolingual subjects and the former notably had the edge. Is it any surprise that famous, fictional detective characters such as Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot are skilled linguists?
5) Keeps the mind sharper for longer
Several studies have been conducted on this topic, and the results are consistent. For monolingual adults, the mean age for the first signs of dementia is 71.4. For adults who speak two or more languages, the mean age for those first signs is 75.5. Studies considered factors such as education level, income level, gender, and physical health, but the results were consistent.

6) Enhances decision-making
According to a study from the University of Chicago, decision-making ability becomes an easier process for multilingual people. Aside from the rules and vocabulary that go with learning a foreign language, there are nuances and regional expressions that a student of language frequently judges for appropriateness and hidden meanings. Multi-linguals are more confident in their decision-making choices as a result of practice, practice, practice!
7) The first language is improved
Learning a new language makes you more conscious of the nuts and bolts of your own language. Terms such as vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, comprehension, idioms and sentence structure become every day phrases, whereas your own language is probably absorbed more intuitively. Learning a new language also makes you a better listener as you are used to having to interpret meaning and judge nuances.
8) Improves performance in other academic areas
As a result of higher cognitive skills, studies show that the benefits of learning a new language include higher scores on standardized exams in math, reading comprehension and vocabulary by multilingual students compared to the scores of monolingual students. Children may ask why they have to learn this language, but parents and teachers know better! Language skills boost your ability to do well in problem-solving tasks across the board, a fact recognized through compulsory foreign language learning curriculum in schools.
9) Increases networking skills
Opening up to a culture allows you to be more flexible and appreciative of other people’s opinions and actions. As a result, if you are multilingual, you have the advantage of seeing the world from different view points, enhancing your ability to communicate in today’s globally connected world.
10) Provides better career choices
According to Eton Institute’s Language Development in the Workforce survey (September 2014), 89% of our clients stated that multilingual employees add value to the workforce and 88% stated that recruiting team members with language skills is important to their organization. A multilingual ability is definitely a competitive edge in today’s world.

Fun english facts

Monday, November 21, 2016

How to Memorize Fast and Easily


Юуны өмнө алдаагаа засАливаа өөрчлөлт асуудлаа зөв ухаарч, ойлгох буюу нэг үгээр бол өөрт байгаа асуудлаа хүлээн зөвшөөрөхөөс эхэлдэг гэдэгтэй хэн ч маргахгүй бизээ. Тэгэхээр биднийг цагаа зөв удирдахад юу саад болж байдгийг харъя:
-"Монгол цаг” гэж байдаггүй. Манай нийгэмд аливаа товлосон уулзалтаасаа хоцорох нь энгий зүйл болоод удаж байна. Тэрхүү хоцорсон хугацаагаа "монгол цаг” гэж хээв нэг хэлдэг. Гэвч энэ орчлон дээр цаг хугацаа хүн бүрт ижилхэн нэг л байдаг. Монголчуудын нэг өдөрт оногдох цаг нь бусад орныхоос илүү гэсэн зүйл байхгүй.
-Бусдыг цаг зав таныхаас ч ялгаагүй чухал гэдгийг ойлго. Та хүн хүлээж цагаа барах дуртай юу? Үгүй л болов уу. Үүнтэй тань адил бусад хүмүүс ч гэсэн таныг хүлээж, цаг заваа үрэхгүй хүсэхгүй л болов уу. Хаа хаанаа аль алиныхаа цагийг үрэхгүй байхыг эрмэлзэхийг хичээх хэрэгтэй. Магадгүй энэ хандлага танаас эхэлж болох юм шүү.
-Амьдралын хэв маягаа орчин цагтайгаа уялдуул. Урьд нь орой босоод бүх ажлаа амжуулчихдаг, эсвэл шалгалт дөхөхөөр шөнө өдөргүй нухаад амжуулчихдаг зэрэг дадал танд аль хэдийн бий болсон байж болох юм. Гэвч одоо энэ цаг үед эсвэл ирээдүйд энэ хэв маяг тань хэр тус болох бол? Цаг үе биднийг улам л ачаалалтай болгож, өнөөдөр л амжуулахгүй бол дараа нь бөөгнөрсөн ажлаа яаж ч хичээгээд амжуулахааргүй болгож байна шүү дээ. Бас хөгшрөлт гэж нэг асуудал бий. Та хэдэн жилийн өмнөх шигээ эрч хүчтэй насан туршдаа ажиллаж амьдарч чадна гэж үү? Магадгүй яг одоо энэ хэв маягаа өөрчлөх цаг нь болж.
-Амьдралынаа үнэт зүйлсээ өөртөө тодорхой болгоогүй байх. Зарим хүмүүс яг юуны төлөө ажиллаж, амьдарч байгаагаа марттал махарч ажилладаг. Эцсийн үр дүн – урам хугаралт, үзэн ядалт, бас бие болон сэтгэлийн туйлдалт. Иймд өөрийн хамгийн үнэт зүйл тань юу болохыг урьдаас тодорхойлж, түүндээ хөтлөгдөж байгаагаа ямагт өөртөө сануул.
-Өөртөө (бие болон сэтгэлийн хүч, нөөц) үл итгэх. Ажил болон амьдралдаа хамгийн их сэтгэл хангалуун байдаг хүмүүс дандаа л өөртөө итгэлтэй хүмүүс байдаг. Өөртөө итгэлтэй байхын тулд танд мэдээж их мөнгө хөрөнгө, эрх мэдэл, бусад материаллаг хэрэгтэй, гэхдээ энэ бол ердөө туслах хэрэгсэл болохоос өөртөө итгэх итгэлийг орлуулж чадахгүй.
Өөрт тохирох хамгийн үр дүнтэй аргыг сонго
Мэргэжилтнүүд цагийг зөв удирдаж төлөвлөх маш олон арга аргачлалуудыг санал болгодог. Тэр болгоныг өөрийн болгоно гэдэг боломжгүй. Харин тэр дундаас өөрийн бие хүний* болон хийж буй ажлынхаа онцлог, хэмнэлд тохируулаад сонгон, магадгүй нэмж, хужирлан өөрийн гэсэн аргатай болох нь илүү үр дүнтэй "программ” болох юм.